Volume 15, Issue 2 (7-2016)                   TB 2016, 15(2): 114-126 | Back to browse issues page

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Yari A, Jafari Mansoorian H, Gholami Yengeje S, Nazari G. Removal of turbidity and suspended solids backwash water from rapid sand filter by using electrocoagulation . TB 2016; 15 (2) :114-126
URL: http://tbj.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-2202-en.html
Qom University of Medical Sciences. , gharibmajidi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (4077 Views)

Introduction: By appropriate method can be recycled more than 95 percent effluent backwashing the filter. This study aimed to examine the efficiency of the electrocoagulation process on turbidity and suspended solids removal from backwash effluent of rapid sand filter of water treatment plants No 1 in Karaj.

Methods: This bench-scale experimental study was carried out on the samples of backwash effluent in a batch system. The Plexiglas tank with a volume of 4 liters, containing of 4 plate electrodes made of aluminum and iron was connected to a direct current power supply. Samples every 15 minutes to measure turbidity and suspended solids collected in the middle of the reactor and examined. Effect of several parameters such as current density, reaction time and voltage were studied. The total number of samples tested were 48. Turbidity and total suspended solids was measured by nephlometry and gravimetric method, respectively.

Results: The highest removal efficiency of turbidity and suspended solids in reaction time of 60 minutes, current density of 2 mA and a voltage of 45 mV was observed. The highest removal efficiency of turbidity in aluminum and iron electrodes were 96.83 and 83.77 %, respectively. Also The highest removal efficiency of suspended solids were 96.73 and 86.22 %, respectively.

Conclusion: The results showed that electro- coagulation process can be a good choice to remove turbidity and suspended from backwash of rapid sand filter. Aluminum electrode efficiency in the removal of turbidity and suspended solids was greater than the iron electrode.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/07/19 | Accepted: 2016/07/19 | Published: 2016/07/19

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