
The open access Journal has been published with the objective of increasing the knowledge of its readers as well as providing a platform for the interchange of scientific experiences and debates. The Tolooebehdasht Jornal is a peer-review  Biomonthly journal that publishes original  and  review papers related to all areas of basic and biomedical sciences with a special approach to disease prevention and community health promotion. The journal welcomes all researchers working in the different fields of health. Manuscripts are accepted on the condition that they have not been previously published, submitted for publication, or are not going to be sent to other journals.

This Journal will receive the following fields:
  • Health education and promotion programs effectiveness
  • Public health practices and their impacts
  • Health promotion and disease prevention
  • Health psychology and Social determinants of health
  • Healthy nutrition in the community level and Food Safety
  • Environmental health management
  • Ergonomics and occupational health promotion
  • Epidemiology and Biostatics
  • Human ecology
 Authorship criteria 
Based on the recommendations by the ICMJE about how to conduct, report, edit and publish scholarly works in medical journals, all authors should have made significant conceptual, intellectual, experimental, and analytical contributions to the research. They are also required to have participated in writing and revising the manuscript. moreover each author should have participated sufficiently in the work and be responsible for its content. All authors should meet the mentioned criteria in ICMJE about authorship and in the case that they do not meet the required criteria, they will be omitted from the list. The authors should ensure that all people who provided general support including, technical and composition assistance, or even a department chairperson should be listed in the acknowledgment section. The copyright should  contain written authorization from all authors for publication of the manuscript. Authors should  agree over the order of authors listed in the manuscript before submitting it.

Advertising Policy
The journal does not carry advertising, neither print nor online.

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