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XML DMFT Evaluation of First Permanent Molars in Primary-School Students in Yazd
A HaerianArdakani, AA Soleymani, F Rashidi-Meibodi *, N Gholami, M Hosseini-Abrishami
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Routine or Verbal- Illustrative Education on Nicotine Dependency in Men after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
MH Baghianimoghadam, SJ Karimizarehi, MH Mirhosseini *
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Application of Raw Russian Knapweed Flower Powder as a Natural Biosorbent in Removal of Hexavalent Chromium from Synthetic Wastewater
MT Ghaneian, MH Ehrampoush, M Dehvari, B Jamshidi *, M Amrollahi
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Methyl Iodide gas removal from the Air by Activeated Carbon imprignated with Amine Salts
H Setareh, A Nikpay *, A Safari, M Marzani
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Household-Scale Production of Vermicompost by Earthworm Eisenia fetida
M Pirsahe, K Sharafi *, S Shayan
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Factors Affecting nitrate Concentrations in Shiraz Groundwater Using Geographical Information System )GIS(
A Badeenezhad, M Gholami *, A Jonidi Jafari, A Ameri
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Assessment of Content Validity and Internal Consistency and Reliability of Direct Experience-Based Elderly Food Insecurity Measurement Tool for Iranian Elders
A Milani-Bonab A *, H Mozaffari-Khosravi, H Omidvar
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Examining the Effect of Teaching Religious Coping Style on Happiness of Parents
MH Fallah, A Mangoli, F Zareh *
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Evaluation of the Different Fenton Processes Combined with Coagulation- Flocculation Pretreatment in Landfill Leachate Treatment
MA Zazouli, Z Yousefi *, A Eslami, M Bagheri Ardebilian
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Survey and Comparison of Aluminum Sulfate and Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC) in Olive Oil Mill Wastewater Treatment
AR Yazdanbakhsh, F Mahdipour *, F Ghanbari, A Zamani, H Sharifimaleksari, M Safdari
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Bioremedation of water contaminated with crude oil per isolatin Bacillus from oily pound
F Mohammadi *, A AkhavanSepahi, F Mohammadi, M Amini
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Study of Dental Anxiety among Patients Referred to Private Offices in Mashhad
MA Morowatisharifabad, M Razavinia, A Haerian-Ardakani *, H Fallahzadeh
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
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