Volume 23, Issue 3 (8-2024)                   TB 2024, 23(3): 30-45 | Back to browse issues page

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Izadkhah F, Moradi J, Bahrami A, Janbozorgi Z. The Effect of Motor and Cognitive Exercises on Working Memory and Selective Attention in Athletes with ADHD. TB 2024; 23 (3) :30-45
URL: http://tbj.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-3646-en.html
Assistant professor , zamouzadeh@yahoo.co
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The Effect of Motor and Cognitive Exercises on Working Memory and Selective Attention in Athletes with ADHD
Fereshteh Izadkhah(Ph.D.)1, Jalil Moradi(Ph.D.)2, Alireza Bahrami(Ph.D.)2, Zohreh Janbozorgi(M.Sc.)3
1.Corresponding Author: Assistant professor, Department of Motor Behavior and Sport Psychology, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.
E-mail: zamouzadeh@yahoo.com.      Tel: +989163697898
2.Associate Professor, Department of Motor Behavior and Sport Psychology, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Arak University, Arak, Iran.
3.Masters Department of Motor Behavior and Sport Psychology, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Arak University, Arak, Iran.

Introduction: Athletes with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)  have deficits in executive functions, and it is very important to find new non-pharmacological methods to help them. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of motor and cognitive exercises on working memory and selective attention in athletes with ADHD.
Methods: A quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest and follow-up was employed, including a control group. A total of 120 athletes(males and females) with ADHD, aged 9 to 11, from Lorestan province, were initially considered. Among them, 75 athletes were randomly assigned to three groups: control, motor exercises, and cognitive exercises, with each group consisting of 25 participants.
The first experimental group received motor exercises, while the second experimental group received cognitive exercises (Captain’s Log), both delivered in 10 sessions of 20 minutes each. The control group did not receive any interventions. Post-tests were conducted immediately one day after the intervention period, followed by a two-week follow-up test. Working memory and selective attention were assessed using the N-back and Stroop tests. Data analysis included mixed ANOVA, one-way ANOVA, and Benferroni's post hoc test performed using SPSS version 22 statistical software.
Results: The results demonstrated a significant difference between the group of motor exercises (P= 0/0001) and cognitive exercises (P= 0/0001) with the control group. However, no significant difference was found between the two experimental groups(P= 0/536).
Conclusion: The mentioned exercises can be used as an effective treatment in improving working memory and selective attention in athletes with hyperactivity disorder and attention deficit disorder.
Keywords: Memmory, Attention, Exercises, Athletes, ADHD.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Psychology
Received: 2024/04/5 | Accepted: 2024/06/9 | Published: 2024/08/31

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