Volume 21, Issue 6 (3-2023)                   TB 2023, 21(6): 28-42 | Back to browse issues page

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demehri F, abooei A, jalayer M. Prediction of Homesickness Based on Maladaptive Schemas, Psychological Flexibility, and Social Desirability among Medical and Paramedical Female Students in Dormitories in Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences in 2022. TB 2023; 21 (6) :28-42
URL: http://tbj.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-3450-en.html
science and arts university , demehri@sau.ac.ir
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Prediction of Homesickness Based on Maladaptive Schemas, Psychological Flexibility, and Social Desirability among Medical and Paramedical Female Students in Dormitories in Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences in 2022
Farangis Demehri (Ph.D.)1, Azade Abooei (Ph.D.)2, Maryam Jalayer (MS.c.)3
1.Corresponding Author: Assistance Professor, Department of psychology, Science and Arts University, Yazd, Iran. Email: demehri @ sau.ac.ir Tel: 09014728762
2.Assistance Professor, Department of psychology, Science and Arts University, Yazd, Iran.
3.Ms.c. Department of psychology, Science and Arts University, Yazd, Iran.

Introduction: Being away from anything familiar, stable, comfortable, or positive can lead to a sense of homesickness. This study aims to predict homesickness based on maladaptive schemas, psychological flexibility, and social desirability in female students residing in dormitories of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional and descriptive-correlational study. The statistical population comprised all the female students residing in dormitories of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences in 2022. The sample included 125 students selected using convenience sampling method. The students filled out the following questionnaires: the Utrecht Homesickness Scale, the Young Schema Questionnaire, the Cognitive Flexibility Inventory, and the Marlowe Crowne Social Desirability Scale. Data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation test and multiple regression.
Results: According to the findings, psychological flexibility and social desirability significantly and negatively (p<0.05) predicted homesickness. Furthermore, schema of mistrust, social isolation, defectiveness, emotional deprivation, dependence, vulnerability, an underdeveloped self, failure, entitlement, insufficient self-control, subjugation, emotional inhibition, and unrelenting standards significantly and positively predicted homesickness in the students (p<0.05).
Conclusion: It can be concluded that homesickness among dormitory students can be predicted through their maladaptive schemas, and perception of social desirability.
1-Tsai J, khoshdel daryasari S, kord tamini B, kahrazee F. The Relationship of Homesickness with Loneliness and Attitude to communication with Opposite Sex in Non-local Students Living at Hostels of Sistan and Baluchestan University. Rooyesh 2019; 8 (5) :77-84.
2-Andermann A, Mott S, Mathew CM, Kendall C, Mendonca O, McLellan A et al. Evidence synthesis-evidence-informed interventions and best practices for supporting women experiencing or at risk of homelessness: A scoping review with gender and equity analysis. Health promotion and chronic disease prevention in Canada: research, policy and practice. 2021;41(1):1.
3-Patten SB. homesickness and mental health. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 2017;62(7):440-1.
4-Beschoner P, Sosic-Vasic Z, Jerg-Bretzke L. Homesickness-A Systematic Review of the Incidence and Consequences of a Phenomenon of Topical Relevance. Psychiatrische Praxis. 2020 Jul 13;47(7):352-60.
5-Tatara K. Development of public health system since the incunabula age until today. [Nihon Koshu Eisei Zasshi] Japanese Journal of Public Health. 2018;65(6):255-65.
6-Cotronei C, Bonisteel I. Student experiences in homelessness and inclusion health. British Journal of General Practice. 2021;71(709):361-72.
7-English T, Davis J, Wei M, Gross JJ. Homesickness and adjustment across the first year of college: A longitudinal study. Emotion. 2017;17(1):1.
8-Pilkington PD, Bishop A, Younan R. Adverse childhood experiences and early maladaptive schemas in adulthood: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 2021;28(3):569-84.
9-Pilkington PD, Noonan C, May T, Younan R, Holt RA. Early maladaptive schemas and intimate partner violence victimization and perpetration: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 2021;28(5):1030-42.
10-Celsi L, Paleari FG, Fincham FD. Adverse childhood experiences and early maladaptive schemas as predictors of cyber dating abuse: an actor-partner interdependence mediation model approach. Frontiers in psychology. 2021;12:623-46.
11-Kahouei M, Paknazar F, Alimohammadi M, Mosayebi G. Relationship Between the Early Maladaptive Schema and Social Networks Addiction Among Semnan University of Medical Sciences Students. IJPCP. 2020;26 (2):228-39. [Persian]
12-Aliaskar najar Z, Yaghubi H, hassanabadi H. Predicting Academic Procrastination based on Early Maladaptive Schemas with the Mediating Role of Cognitive Flexibility and Metacognitive Beliefs. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2022;14(1):37-48. [Persian]
13-Dajani DR, Uddin LQ. Demystifying cognitive flexibility: Implications for clinical and developmental neuroscience. Trends in neurosciences. 2015;38(9):571-8.
14-Uddin LQ. Cognitive and behavioral flexibility: neural mechanisms and clinical considerations. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 2021;22(3):167-79.
15-Brown VJ, Tait DS. Behavioral flexibility: attentional shifting, rule switching and response reversal. Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology. 2014:1-7.
16-ghiasabadi FE, Jafari HR. Predict Cognitive Flexibility through Social Adjustment and Responsibility among female students. Quarterly Social Psychology Research. 2021;10(40):135-50. [Persian]
17-Hoopsick RA, Vest BM, Homish DL, Homish GG. Problems with social acceptance and social victimization predict substance use among US Reserve/Guard soldiers. Stress and Health. 2020;36(3):311-21.
18-Vest BM, Cercone Heavey S, Homish DL, Homish GG. Marital satisfaction, family support, and pre-deployment resiliency factors related to mental health outcomes for reserve and national guard soldiers. Military behavioral health. 2017;5(4):313-23.
19-Kir Y, Sayar-Akaslan D, Agtas-Ertan E, Kusman A, Baskak N, Baran Z, et al. Cortical activity during social acceptance and rejection task in social anxiety disorder: A controlled functional near infrared spectroscopy study. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 2021;104(1):101-132.
20-Wang JZ, Mott S, Magwood O, Mathew C, Mclellan A, Kpade V, et al. The impact of interventions for youth experiencing homelessness on housing, mental health, substance use, and family cohesion: a systematic review. BMC public health. 2019;19(1):1-22.
21-Mehmannavazan A, Aliakbaridehkordi M, Kakojoybari A. Impact of attachment styles, family cohesion and adaptability on the level of resiliency as it relates to the feeling of homesickness among freshman students living in dormitories of AlZahra university. Women's Studies Sociological and Psychological, 2015;12(4):173-204. [Persian]
22-Van vliet AJ. Homesickness: Antecedents, consequences and meditating processes (Doctoral dissertation, TU Delft, Delft University of Technology. 2001.
23-Ejei J. Validation of Utrecht homesickness scale in students. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 2008;2(1):1-2.
24-Lyrakos DG. The validity of young Schema Questionnaire 3rd Version and the Schema Mode Inventory 2 nd Version on the Greek Population. Psychology. 2014.
25-Ahmadi S, Maredpoor A, Mahmoodi A. Comparison the effectiveness of narrative therapy On early maladaptive schemas, Increasing the quality of life and marital satisfaction in couples Divorce Applicant in Shiraz City. Psychological Methods and Models. 2019;10(36):67-85. [Persian]
26-Dennis JP, Vander Wal JS. The cognitive flexibility inventory: Instrument development and estimates of reliability and validity. Cognitive therapy and research. 2010;34(3):241-53.
27-Ahmadzadeh SS, dehnashi A, kalantari M, rezaei dehnavi S. Effectiveness of Teaching Skills Based on Schema Therapy on the Distress Tolerance and Psychological Flexibility of Female Students with Early Maladaptive Schema. Psychology of Exceptional Individuals. 2021;11(43):87-116. [Persian]
28-Johnson TP, Fendrich M, Mackesy-Amiti ME. An evaluation of the validity of the Crowne–Marlowe need for approval scale. Quality & Quantity. 2012;46:1883-96.
29-Faridi Sani M. The relationship between social acceptance and skill among students of Islamic Azad University of Shabestar. Sociological studies. 2013;6(19):91-110. [Persian]
30-Ren D, Wesselmann ED, Williams KD. Hurt people hurt people: Ostracism and aggression. Current Opinion in Psychology. 2018;19:34-8.
31-Mortezazadeh M, Rafezi Z, Eskandari H. Comparison of the Effect of Experimental Induction of Social Exclusion with Social Acceptance on Cognitive Flexibility. Social Cognition. 2021;10(1): 9-25. [Persian]
32-Valikhani A, Goudarzi M, Farhadi M. Prediction of Newcomer Students’ Homesickness based on Hopefulness and Attachment Style. Research in Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences. 2016;5(2):73-86. [Persian]
33-Griffore RJ, Phenice LA, Miller JR. Evolving Schemas of Homeless Children: Encouraging Hope and Personal Mastery. Critical Social Work. 2012;13(2).
1-Tsai J, khoshdel daryasari S, kord tamini B, kahrazee F. The Relationship of Homesickness with Loneliness and Attitude to communication with Opposite Sex in Non-local Students Living at Hostels of Sistan and Baluchestan University. Rooyesh 2019; 8 (5) :77-84.
2-Andermann A, Mott S, Mathew CM, Kendall C, Mendonca O, McLellan A et al. Evidence synthesis-evidence-informed interventions and best practices for supporting women experiencing or at risk of homelessness: A scoping review with gender and equity analysis. Health promotion and chronic disease prevention in Canada: research, policy and practice. 2021;41(1):1.
3-Patten SB. homesickness and mental health. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 2017;62(7):440-1.
4-Beschoner P, Sosic-Vasic Z, Jerg-Bretzke L. Homesickness-A Systematic Review of the Incidence and Consequences of a Phenomenon of Topical Relevance. Psychiatrische Praxis. 2020 Jul 13;47(7):352-60.
5-Tatara K. Development of public health system since the incunabula age until today. [Nihon Koshu Eisei Zasshi] Japanese Journal of Public Health. 2018;65(6):255-65.
6-Cotronei C, Bonisteel I. Student experiences in homelessness and inclusion health. British Journal of General Practice. 2021;71(709):361-72.
7-English T, Davis J, Wei M, Gross JJ. Homesickness and adjustment across the first year of college: A longitudinal study. Emotion. 2017;17(1):1.
8-Pilkington PD, Bishop A, Younan R. Adverse childhood experiences and early maladaptive schemas in adulthood: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 2021;28(3):569-84.
9-Pilkington PD, Noonan C, May T, Younan R, Holt RA. Early maladaptive schemas and intimate partner violence victimization and perpetration: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 2021;28(5):1030-42.
10-Celsi L, Paleari FG, Fincham FD. Adverse childhood experiences and early maladaptive schemas as predictors of cyber dating abuse: an actor-partner interdependence mediation model approach. Frontiers in psychology. 2021;12:623-46.
11-Kahouei M, Paknazar F, Alimohammadi M, Mosayebi G. Relationship Between the Early Maladaptive Schema and Social Networks Addiction Among Semnan University of Medical Sciences Students. IJPCP. 2020;26 (2):228-39. [Persian]
12-Aliaskar najar Z, Yaghubi H, hassanabadi H. Predicting Academic Procrastination based on Early Maladaptive Schemas with the Mediating Role of Cognitive Flexibility and Metacognitive Beliefs. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2022;14(1):37-48. [Persian]
13-Dajani DR, Uddin LQ. Demystifying cognitive flexibility: Implications for clinical and developmental neuroscience. Trends in neurosciences. 2015;38(9):571-8.
14-Uddin LQ. Cognitive and behavioral flexibility: neural mechanisms and clinical considerations. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 2021;22(3):167-79.
15-Brown VJ, Tait DS. Behavioral flexibility: attentional shifting, rule switching and response reversal. Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology. 2014:1-7.
16-ghiasabadi FE, Jafari HR. Predict Cognitive Flexibility through Social Adjustment and Responsibility among female students. Quarterly Social Psychology Research. 2021;10(40):135-50. [Persian]
17-Hoopsick RA, Vest BM, Homish DL, Homish GG. Problems with social acceptance and social victimization predict substance use among US Reserve/Guard soldiers. Stress and Health. 2020;36(3):311-21.
18-Vest BM, Cercone Heavey S, Homish DL, Homish GG. Marital satisfaction, family support, and pre-deployment resiliency factors related to mental health outcomes for reserve and national guard soldiers. Military behavioral health. 2017;5(4):313-23.
19-Kir Y, Sayar-Akaslan D, Agtas-Ertan E, Kusman A, Baskak N, Baran Z, et al. Cortical activity during social acceptance and rejection task in social anxiety disorder: A controlled functional near infrared spectroscopy study. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 2021;104(1):101-132.
20-Wang JZ, Mott S, Magwood O, Mathew C, Mclellan A, Kpade V, et al. The impact of interventions for youth experiencing homelessness on housing, mental health, substance use, and family cohesion: a systematic review. BMC public health. 2019;19(1):1-22.
21-Mehmannavazan A, Aliakbaridehkordi M, Kakojoybari A. Impact of attachment styles, family cohesion and adaptability on the level of resiliency as it relates to the feeling of homesickness among freshman students living in dormitories of AlZahra university. Women's Studies Sociological and Psychological, 2015;12(4):173-204. [Persian]
22-Van vliet AJ. Homesickness: Antecedents, consequences and meditating processes (Doctoral dissertation, TU Delft, Delft University of Technology. 2001.
23-Ejei J. Validation of Utrecht homesickness scale in students. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 2008;2(1):1-2.
24-Lyrakos DG. The validity of young Schema Questionnaire 3rd Version and the Schema Mode Inventory 2 nd Version on the Greek Population. Psychology. 2014.
25-Ahmadi S, Maredpoor A, Mahmoodi A. Comparison the effectiveness of narrative therapy On early maladaptive schemas, Increasing the quality of life and marital satisfaction in couples Divorce Applicant in Shiraz City. Psychological Methods and Models. 2019;10(36):67-85. [Persian]
26-Dennis JP, Vander Wal JS. The cognitive flexibility inventory: Instrument development and estimates of reliability and validity. Cognitive therapy and research. 2010;34(3):241-53.
27-Ahmadzadeh SS, dehnashi A, kalantari M, rezaei dehnavi S. Effectiveness of Teaching Skills Based on Schema Therapy on the Distress Tolerance and Psychological Flexibility of Female Students with Early Maladaptive Schema. Psychology of Exceptional Individuals. 2021;11(43):87-116. [Persian]
28-Johnson TP, Fendrich M, Mackesy-Amiti ME. An evaluation of the validity of the Crowne–Marlowe need for approval scale. Quality & Quantity. 2012;46:1883-96.
29-Faridi Sani M. The relationship between social acceptance and skill among students of Islamic Azad University of Shabestar. Sociological studies. 2013;6(19):91-110. [Persian]
30-Ren D, Wesselmann ED, Williams KD. Hurt people hurt people: Ostracism and aggression. Current Opinion in Psychology. 2018;19:34-8.
31-Mortezazadeh M, Rafezi Z, Eskandari H. Comparison of the Effect of Experimental Induction of Social Exclusion with Social Acceptance on Cognitive Flexibility. Social Cognition. 2021;10(1): 9-25. [Persian]
32-Valikhani A, Goudarzi M, Farhadi M. Prediction of Newcomer Students’ Homesickness based on Hopefulness and Attachment Style. Research in Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences. 2016;5(2):73-86. [Persian]
33-Griffore RJ, Phenice LA, Miller JR. Evolving Schemas of Homeless Children: Encouraging Hope and Personal Mastery. Critical Social Work. 2012;13(2).
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2022/09/21 | Accepted: 2022/10/29 | Published: 2023/03/15

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