Volume 14, Issue 6 (3-2016)                   TB 2016, 14(6): 163-170 | Back to browse issues page

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Goli A, Talaiekhozani A, Talaie M. Identification of Prodominant Microorganisms of Biotrickling Filters to Treat Polluted Air with Formaldehyde and Ethanol. TB 2016; 14 (6) :163-170
URL: http://tbj.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-1982-en.html
Jami Institute of Technology , atalaei@jami.ac.ir
Abstract:   (4378 Views)

Introduction: Identification of degrading microorganisms of toxic materials is regarded as an important step to complete air treatment systems. Effective microorganisms in treatment and elimination of pollutants seems to be different depending on the type of pollutants as well as environmental conditions. Identification of these microorganisms can determine optimum conditions for the system performance and the maximum efficiency can be reached. Moreover, biotechnological methods can strengthen the microorganisms to treat the pollutants. This study aimed to identify the predominant microorganisms at two biotrickiling filters that formaldehyde was used in one and ethanol  in another as the sole carbon source.

Methods: In this study, two biotrickling filter pilots were made at the laboratory scale. These microorganisms were inoculated and adapted within three months. Then biotrickling filters were studies for a long time. At the end of experiments, biofilm samples were taken from biotrickling filters and predominant microorganisms were identified via microbiology studies.  

Results: The results of the present study managed to identify such microorganisms as Salmonella Bongori, Pneumonia, Subspecies Pneumonia, Klebsiella Terrigena, etc. at different parts of both biotrickling filters.

Conclusion: Microbial species can be widely changed with operating of  biotrickling filters at different conditions. Identifying active microorganisms in each biotrickling filter can lead to detecting optimum conditions as well as the risks caused by transfer of  the filters'  available microorganisms to the human body .

Full-Text [PDF 106 kb]   (1808 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2013/04/7 | Accepted: 2013/06/12 | Published: 2016/03/9

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