Volume 14, Issue 6 (3-2016)                   TB 2016, 14(6): 1-13 | Back to browse issues page

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Nadjarzadeh A, Rafiei N, Usefzadeh G, Shokuohi M. Effect of Coenzyme-Q10 Supplementation on Blood Pressure and Inflammatory Markers (Homocysteine and hs-CRP) in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome. TB 2016; 14 (6) :1-13
URL: http://tbj.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-1967-en.html
hahid Sadoughi University of Medical Science, Yazd , rafiee.najmeh@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (4363 Views)

Introduction: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) encompasses a cluster of coronary heart disease risk factors, including abdominal obesity, glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia and elevated blood pressure that is associated with increased inflammatory markers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) blood pressure and inflammatory markers in patients with metabolic syndrome.

Method: Design of This study was a double-blind randomized clinical trial and the duration was three months of supplementation. CoQ10 (100 mg twice daily) or placebo was administrated to 50 subjects with the metabolic syndrome for 12 weeks. Patients were randomly divided into two groups; placebo and treatment groups. Blood pressure, homocysteine and hs-CRP as inflammatory markers were measured before and after twelve weeks of the intervention.

Results: Forty five participants with MetS completed the study. CoQ10 supplementation significantly decrease systolic blood pressure by 0.66cm Hg (p=0.04) and diastolic blood pressure by 0.31 cm Hg (p=0.001). Although there was a significant difference between groups in diastolic blood pressure after supplementation, comparing mean changes of two groups showed no significant differences. homocysteine concentration in the intervention group decreased from 11.97±2.09 to 10.31±1.93 u/ml (p<0.005) and hs-CRP declined from 4.40±3.46 to 3.64±3.25 u/ml (p=0.037).

Conclusion: CoQ10 supplementation at a dosage of 200 mg appears to decrease inflammatory markers, systolic and somehow diastolic blood pressure in patients with MetS.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2013/04/30 | Accepted: 2013/06/4 | Published: 2016/03/7

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