Volume 14, Issue 5 (1-2016)                   TB 2016, 14(5): 79-92 | Back to browse issues page

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Nastiezaie N, Najafi M. The Relationship between Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. TB 2016; 14 (5) :79-92
URL: http://tbj.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-1905-en.html
Sistan and Baluchestan University , n_nastie1354@ped.usb.ac.ir
Abstract:   (5148 Views)

Introduction: If managers want workers who go beyond expectations, willingly do acts which is not part of the official duties of their job, and generally have high organizational citizenship behavior, They should have fair treatment of employees in the workplace. Thus, this study aimed to examine the relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior in staffs of Baharan psychiatry hospital in Zahedan.

Methods: In this descriptive – correlational study, 65 questionnaires was distributed among staffs of Baharan psychiatry hospital via random sampling. The study instruments consisted of organizational justice questionnaire  (Nieohoff and Moorman,1993) as well as organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire (Podaskoof et al.,1990). In order to analyze the study data, the Spearman correlation coefficient and multiple regression was applied via SPSS Software (ver.17).

Results: Staffs’ perception of organizational justice situation was reported relatively favorable, who demonstrated favorable organizational citizenship behavior. A significant positive correlation was detected between organizational justice (and its three dimensions) and organizational citizenship behavior. Furthermore, multiple regression results demonstrated that out of three dimensions of organizational justice, distributive and interactional justice can explain and predict the organizational citizenship behavior.

Conclusion: The findings of present study revealed that since the positive role of organizational justice was demonstrated organizational citizenship behavior, training courses necessitate to be held in the managers familiarize in regard with the principles of organizational justice human interaction and the way to implement them in the organizations.

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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/01/19 | Accepted: 2016/01/19 | Published: 2016/01/19

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