Volume 10, Issue 3 And 3-4 (3-2012)                   TB 2012, 10(3 And 3-4): 31-39 | Back to browse issues page

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Pashaeifar M, Atabi F, Karimaee M, Karami M. Determination of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Concentration in Rural Residential Houses of Ajabshir, the City of Eastern Azerbaijan. TB 2012; 10 (3 and 3-4) :31-39
URL: http://tbj.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-1798-en.html
Azad University of Tehran , far-atabi@jamejam.net
Abstract:   (3337 Views)

Background: Health hazards resulting from contact with air pollutants in indoor environment is relatively far more than those of the outdoor. This indicates the importance of indoor air pollution and its impressive role on people health.

Method: For determination of indoor air quality, different types of pollutants and their interactions, the type of fuel used, ventilation condition and amounts of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and air particulate matter (PM10) were measured over one year (for tow month per every season ) in overall 112 measurements. This research was performed as a factorial design in completely randomized format and collected data were analyzed using SPSS software, statistical tests and variance analysis with confidence level of 5%, and results were expressed in the form of  frequency percentage and mean along with standard deviation values .

Result: Variance difference in different seasons for Khanian village shows that the pollutants concentration in different seasons differ significantly (P &le0.05).In variance analysis table of  Tipak Darreh village for both tow stations and different seasons, the significant difference was only observed in case of CO gas )P &le0.01).

Conclusin: The results indicated that due to the fossil fuels consumption and lack of environmental health and the use of traditional stove without chimney and Carpet weaving workshop in rural residential places, air pollutants concentration in rural houses was significantly high.


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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/11/23 | Accepted: 2015/11/23 | Published: 2015/11/23

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