Volume 10, Issue 3 And 3-4 (3-2012)                   TB 2012, 10(3 And 3-4): 1-12 | Back to browse issues page

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Esfandiari A, Nekoueimoghadam M, Mohammadi Z, Norouzi S, Amiresmaili M. Pathology of Human Resources by Applying three Dimensional Model -2011(Case Study: Kerman University of Medical Sciences,Iran). TB 2012; 10 (3 and 3-4) :1-12
URL: http://tbj.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-1796-en.html
Kerman University of medical sciences. Kerman, Iran. , amiresmaili@kmu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (5873 Views)

Background: Considering the role of staff at Medical Universities, they must continually seek ways to develop their staff human resources developments and the first step is aware present situation of staff personnel through pathological process.

This study aims to pathology and plan human resources in staff departments of Kerman University of medical sciences deputies.

Methods: present descriptive study was carried out cross sectional. 159 employees in staff department of all deputies participated in this study. Information was obtained by a questionnaire and data analysis was done through spss software by using Friedman test, Chi- square and T-test.

Results: Behavioral factors (mean = 2.33) had the highest impact and contextual factors (mean = 3.24) had the lowest impact on human resources malfunction in Kerman University of medical sciences. Among subsets of behavioral factors, motivation and Job satisfaction (mean rank = 2.27) had the highest impact and customer-orientation (mean rank =1.77) had the lowest impact on human resources malfunction in all three dimensions.

Conclusion: understanding human resources pathologies in Kerman University of Medical Sciences, shows that these problems are not limited to this university and considering the structural nature of these factors, human capital deputy and vice president planning deputy can provide a major change in payment systems and performance evaluation systems in medical universities with the hope of increasing motivation among staff employees.


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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/11/23 | Accepted: 2015/11/23 | Published: 2015/11/23

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