Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences , Shahram.snna@yahoo.com
Abstract: (5336 Views)
Introduction: The proper management of hospital waste due to environmental pollution and nosocomial states has important role in promoting community health. One of the most important design and implementation of a correct program for management of hospital waste is knowledge of the qualitative and quantitative values of hospital waste. This study aimed to determine the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of produced waste in Be'sat Hospital in Sanandaj city.
Methods: This study was cross – sectional carried out in Be'sat Hospital of Sanandaj in 2011. For determining the quantitative and qualitative values of the produced waste, various types of waste were analyzed monthly for one year. The findings were presented using descriptive indicators.
Results: The total quantity mean of waste generated in the hospital was 1191.5 kg/day. This amount for public waste (like home) and infectious and hazardous waste were 650 (54/54%) and 541.5 (46/45%) kg/day respectively. Considering 370 beds in the hospital, per capita waste generation per one bed was estimated 22/3 kg/day. The most infectious and hazardous wastes were related to ICU section, 2 72/0Kg/day (per bed). Quantity analysis of total hospital waste indicated that plastic ( 46%) comprises the highest weight. Gravity average of the total waste produced amounted to 75/45 kg /m3.
Conclusion: Given the high rate of infectious and hazardous waste, it can be concluded that despite the segregation of hospital waste still there are problems. In this regard, more attention of the authorities as well as the use of new methods for disinfecting waste before leaving the hospital are required.
Type of Study:
Research |
Special Received: 2013/09/21 | Accepted: 2014/01/2 | Published: 2014/11/21