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H Tavangar, F Alhani, Z Vanaki ,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (3-2012)

Background: Work – Family Conflict (WFC) occurs as a result of incompatible role pressures from work and family domains. Conflicts between different careers, including nursing is considerd as natural and inevitable. Conflict is associated with negative effects for organizations, individuals and, families especially for children. This study was therefore designed with the aim of assessing nurses experience of work – family conflict and performance of the children's rights.

Methods: This qualitative study was performed with participation of 11 nurses based on purposeful sampling. The data were collected through deep and unstructured interviews. Method of data analysis was inductive content analysis approach.

Results: Research findings included two themes. One of them was Devise of affairs in order to equilibrating including devise of family affairs and devise of work affairs which encompasses the efforts and devises taken by the nurses for their children’s rights. The other one was Children neglected needs including emotional domain, physical domain and educational affairs that would indicate the inability to manage conflict and establish a balance between work and family duties, and negative impacts on children in special circumstance.

Conclusion: Nurses try to minimize the consequence of conflicts in the family environment including children’s rights. However in some cases due to weakness in the personal conflict management, skills and work restrictions, negative consequences of conflict, such as neglect of children’s rights occur. In this regard, the need to enhance individual conflict management’s skills and also enhance the capabilities of personnel in the filed of family affairs and understanding the needs and rights of children in designing family health education on the one hand and on the other, trying to improve and reform the work’s laws and flexibility of rules, especially for working women with young children to prevent and minimize negative effects and consequences are recommended.


Mh Fallah , A Mangoli, F Zareh,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (9-2012)

  Background : Studies have shown that parents of exceptional children have less happiness and life satisfaction. Coping styles are one of the most important psychosocial factors that go between stress and mental disorders. On the other hand, there is a meaningful relation between happiness and religious beliefs. Therefore, this study was carried out with the purpose of examining the effect of teaching Islamic coping styles on happiness of parents with exceptional children in the city of Khatam (Harat&Marvast).

  Method: This is an exprimental research. The sample size was 24 persons chosen from among parents of exceptional children in Khatam city. They were then randomly assigned into two groups of trial and control. Islamic coping style was taught to the trial group. After one month of teaching, the data gathered from the research were analyzed through descriptive and analytic statistics.

  Results: Teaching Islamic coping styles, increased happiness of the parents with exceptinal children in such a way that the score of their happiness elevated from 26.41 before the study to 56.04 after study and then to 55 after one month of follow-up.

  Conclusion: Considering the effectivness of Islamic coping styles on increasing happiness, teaching of these styles for decreasing and coping with stress is recommended.

B Moini, A Ghaderi, Sm Hazavehie, H Allahverdipour, A Moghimbeigi, F Jalilian,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (9-2013)

  Background: Dental health problem among elementary students is a social and health problem which results in un-recoverable social, economical, cultural and health effects. This research is aimed to improve oral health among elementary students in Sanandaj city through theory of health belief model (HBM) and peer education approach.

  Method: This is a quasi-experimental research whichstarted byselecting three primary schools randomly. Peer education was assigned to educate the first group (n=30) and the second group was educated by trainer group (n=30) and the third was a control group (n=30). For each group, two questionnaires were completed before and two month after implementing education .The educational programs were based on (HBM) and were about knowledge on oral health and the importance of dental health problem and the way we can improve it. This program was carried out based on child to child approach and was a peer education program.

  Results : There were no statistical significant differences for mean score of knowledge (P= 0.726 ), perceived susceptibility (P= 0.758 ), perceived benefits (P = 0.898 ), perceived barriers (P= 0.950 ) and Cues to action(P= 0.950 ) among child to child group and trainer group. But Therewas a better practice of a child to child group in perceived severity (P= 0.002 ) and increasing use of toothbrush(P= 0.007 ) among students.

  Conclusion: The final statistical analyses showed that in improving oral health and use of toothbrush, which was the main goal of the research, peer education group was more than effective trainer education, However in many parts of health belief model there were no statistical significant difference s between child to child and trainer group . So it is recommended to use child to child approach for many health educational programs.




K Haji Nabi , L Riahi, F Tavakoli,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (9-2013)

 Background : In this time to see deeply quality of growth children pattern and use findings of our research and global experiments for increasing physical and mental capabilities of children. Study the Relationship between implementation of integrated well child care plan and child indicators in Noor health network in order to reform this plan and improve helth children.

 Method: This research is applied, cross-sectional and correlation. during the period 2007 and 2012 statistics associated with the integrated well child care plan of health network noor collected. Data collection instruments, data collection form, the researcher has made and the extraction results of the test kolmogrov smirnov, pearson and t-test was used.

  Results : There is no significant relationship between implementation of integrated well child care plan and under one and five year chilren mortality rate, vaccination coverage. But there is significant relationship between implementation of integrated well child care plan and rate of pneumonia in children under 5 years, refer children to doctor, growth disorder in children, accident , poisoning, scorch in in Noor health network. .

  Conclusion: The results clearly indicate possetive effect of implementation of integrated well child care plan on rate of pneumonia in children under 5 years, refer children to doctor, growth disorder in children, accident, poisoning, scorch but the attention to the weaknesses identified by effective interventions and better planning by managers can be a step toward improving public health and the health indicators .



Aa Moddaresmoghaddam, J Hatami ,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (5-2014)

Introduction:Socialization is a process of mutual communication between the individual and society. For this reason it is regarded as a complex flow that has various dimensions. Acquiring social skills, communicating with other people and social adjustments are in these dimensions .The family, school and media have a significant role and responsibility in learning compatibility with the environment. This study aimed to compare the social adjustment of viewing and blind children in elementary schools in Mashhad. Methods:This is a descriptive, analytical study in which 270 blind and viewing students of primary schools in Mashhad participated in the academic years 2012-13. The blind students were chosen by census and viewing students through a stratified random sampling from normal schools. For data collection, a standard questionnaire that was social adjustment questionnaire was used. It was made in 1974 in America by Lambert, Wind Miller, Cole & Figueroa, which was translated in 1992 by Dr. Shahny Yeylagh, to be used for children of 7 to 13 years. It was conducted on 1500 boy and girl students of the first to fifth grade in elementary schools of Ahvaz. This test consists of 11 subscales, 38 sub-categories and 260 items. For data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics such as t-test was used. (P <0.05). Results:The mean scores of social adjustment of students showed no statistically significant difference between the viewing and the blind (p=0.8). Also the mean of social adjustment in blind girls and boys was not statistically significant (p=0.1), but the incompatibility was found in more boys than the girls. Conclusion: Regarding the results, social incompatibility was higher in the blind girl students than the viewing girl students. Also this incompatibility was higher in the boys than the girls thereby requiring scientific and coherent planning for them.
H Jenaabadi, F Sabegi,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (7-2014)

Introduction: Birth of a mentally-retarded child affectes the quality of life of parents, and accepting the facts, patience, and tolerance when dealing with problems depend greatly on the parents’ worldview. In this regard, the present study was planned to assess the relationship between appeal to God and meaningful life of parents of mentally retarded children in Zahedan city. Methods: This is a descriptive - correlational study and its population were parents of mentally-retarded children who had referred to Zahedan welfare organization between Septembers to November 2012 out of whom 125 parents were selected by targeted sampling method. The study instruments included measures of appeal style to God (Larson and Ghobari، 2009) and meaningful life scale (Battista & Almond, 1973). The scores were analyzed using Spearman correlation coefficient and multiple regression by SPSS17. Results: parent’s appeal to God and meaningful life were relatively desirable. There was a significant positive correlation between appeal to God and meaningful life. Multiple regression results showed that from subscales of appeal to God, maintaining proximity to God, God as a secure base, and positive own perception can explain and predict the meaningful life of these parents. Conclusion: Given a significant positive correlation between appeal to God and meaningful life, it is suggested including spirituality therapy sessions and teaching religious coping methods to reduce stress and thus make meaningful life in these parents by welfare, education of exceptional children, and radio and television organizations.
A Zandvaniannaeini, Ma Morowatisharifabad, M Amrollahi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (9-2014)

Introduction: The child's birth is apleasure for parents, although this process is associated with a lot of hardship. Hope for child health develops a sense of confidence in parents and they heartily accept their child but as soon as they become aware of their child's disability, all hope turns to despair and hence trouble starts. Stress, depression and anger are common emotions that parents then experience. The overall aim of this study was to investigate the effect of anger management training on the mental health of mothers of the disabled children in the city of Yazd. Methods: This is anexperimental study with a pretest-posttest control group. The population of this study included all the mothers of the disabled children being covered in Yazd city from 2011 to 2012. Sample of this study consisted of 35 mothers randomlyassigned into two groups(18 to experimental and 17 to control group). Mental health questionnaire was used to collect data.The anger management training program based on cognitive-behavioral approach was implemented for the experimental group in seven sessions, 2 hours each. Data were then analyzed using descriptive statistical parameters (mean and SD) and independent t-test on the difference between the scores of pre-test - post-test. Results: Results showed that Anger management training with a statistically significant difference between pre-and post-test scores leads to mental health and subscale physical symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, as well as depression (with the exception of societal dysfunction). Also, anger management training reduced the physical symptoms and depression in young mothers compared to the aged. Conclusion: With regard to the effective use of anger management training program to increase mental health, thetrainingprogramshouldbe directedtoward reducingstress.
S Azizi, M Tarkhan,
Volume 13, Issue 5 (1-2015)

Abstract Introduction:Due to the complexity and seriousness of crime as a social problem in many communities, this study aims to investigate the social and educational status (comparison of parenting styles, identity styles), and demographic variables in delinquent children, adolescents, and normal people. Methods:In this cross-sectional study, 300 children and adolescents who had been selected from centers of Education Reform and Ordinary schools through Random cluster sampling technique, were studied. They completed perceived parenting style questionnaire, identity style questionnaire and demographic questionnaire. Data were analyzed by SPSS software and Anova test. Result: Although no significant difference was detected between the two groups in terms of parenting styles, a significant difference was observed between social characteristics, economical status, parents' educational level, family records of imprisonment, and imprisonment period with identity style, educational status with identity style, and also parental employment with identity style. Conclusion:Demographic characteristics, economical status, parents' educational level, prisoner's records of family, occupation of parents, academic success and identity styles are essential factors in delinquency in children and adolescents.

Fs Asgarian, H Falahzade, F Etesam,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (5-2016)

Introduction: Sleep problems are taken into account as a prevalent problem within school-age children that is normally ignored in spite of its high prevalence. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the frequency of sleep problems within elementary students in Kashan.

Methods: This study is descriptive-cross sectional, in which 300 children (7-12 years old) of Kashan elementary schools were randomly selected via cluster sampling method. The study instruments for data collection involved questions concerning children's age and sex as well as BEAR'S questionnaire, which were filled by the children's mothers. Moreover, the study data were analyzed by descriptive statistics method (mean and standard deviation), independent sample T-test was used to compare mean of sleep duration and Mann-Whitney u test was applied to evaluate the difference between age and sex groups.

Results: Totally, 300 children participated in this study, among which 44.3% were boys and 55.7% were girls. The most common sleep problems involved nightmare and resistance against a wakening. Relative frequency of awakening during night was observed to be higher within boys than girls (p<0.05).

Conclusion: High frequency of sleep problems in the current study may indicate the significance of taking sleep problems into consideration within students as well as informing healthy sleep patterns in order to promote knowledge level of parents via schools and parent-teacher meetings.

A Ebrahimi, J Refahi, H Zareei Mahmoodabadi , N Ghasemi ,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (5-2016)


Introduction: Studies show that parents of children with autism disorders are more exposed to the stress of having disabled children than the parents of children with other psychological disorders.

All the problems of these children can endanger the quality of life and happiness of their families.

The more the ability of people for coping, so the present study with the aim of studying Effectiveness of Cognitive Group Therapy on Quality of Life and Happiness among Mothers of Autistic Children was done.

Methods: The aim of the present study was to examine effectiveness of cognitive group therapy on quality of life and happiness among mothers of autistic children in Shiraz. This study was an experimental study with pretest and posttest with control group design. At first the Quality of Life Questionnaire and Happiness Inventory were administered to mothers of autistic children and after analyzing the data 30 mothers of autistic children who gained lower scores on these tests were selected based on simple random sampling and assigned two groups; experimental and control. The experimental group underwent treatment method for 12 sessions with two month follow up study, but the control group did not receive any treatment.

Finding; Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and showed that there was a significant positive correlation between cognitive group therapy and improvement in quality of life and happiness in mothers with autistic children. Follow up studies showed that cognitive group therapy had a significant effect on in quality of life and happiness in the control sample.

Conclusion: The results showed that the intervention which has been done could improve the quality of life and its dimensions in parents of children with autism, resulting in the increasing happiness of the  parents. Hence, this method of therapy can be used as therapy, either alone or in conjunction with other forms of mental health treatment, to supply the mental health of future children and adults

M Mosallaieepour Yazdi , M Mirzaei , A Nadjarzade , F Mazidisharafabadi , A Imani , A Zarerahimabadi ,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (7-2016)

Introduction: Anemia is regarded as a public health problem worldwide, specifically among children. Therefore, this study, which sought to determine the factors associated with anemia, aimed to assess the association between anemia and demographic factors in children aged 7-12 years old in Yazd.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 390 elementary schools students aged 7-12 years in Yazd were selected randomly by multistage cluster sampling. In addition, the inclusion criteria involved only the healthy students and the girls whose their menstrual cycles had started were excluded. demographic information was collected by applying questionnaire and their height and weight were measured. Anemia is defined as Hb level below 11.5 g/dL, and risk for anemia was defined as Hb level between 11.5-13.5. Serum ferritin below 15 g/dl was defined as severe anemia or iron deficiency.

Results: Anemia was reported in 1.3% of the children; though 51.5% of children were demonstrated to be at risk of anemia. In addition, 9.1% of children had severe anemia. Among the studied demographic factors, age and gender were significantly associated with anemia, so 7-8 year children as well as the female students had a higher prevalence of anemia.

Conclusion: The study findings revealed that more than half of Yazdi adolescents had anemia or were at risk of anemia. High prevalence of anemia in girls before the onset of menstrual cycles demonda to be prominently taken into account.

R Zare Mehrjardi , T Mohamadinia, Gh Hosseini ,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of demographic, social, economic and cultural factors on delaying the Birth of the first child in Meybod town. Spacing between marriage and the birth of the first child is a crucial factor in demographic planning.

Methods: The survey was research method and Information collected by the structured questionnaire. The study population was married women 15 to 49 years old in the city Meybod, and the sample population included 379 such women were selected with using of multi stage cluster random sampling.

Results: The results of the study show that there are a meaningful relationship between the variables of women’s tendency to pregnancy, kind of family, women’s age and duration of marriage, Education of women and their husbands, geographic origin of women, occupational status of women, and their type of marriage with the dependent variable the length of period from marriage to first child birth. Also, Results of multivariate regression shows that the Use of contraceptive, women’s marriage age, women’s geographic origin, Duration of marriage, Gender Equality and kind of family, Respectively, Have a major role in determining this spacing, and able to predict 34% of the variance in the dependent variable.

Conclusion: The results of this study and previous studies shows that in recent years, the space between marriage and birth of first child has increased and from the intensity of fertility is reduced. Overall, from the findings can be concluded that impact of demographic, social and cultural Condition on increase in delaying of the first child birth, and therefore the fertility decline of society is far more than economic conditions. So, to reduce the space between marriage and the birth of first child in the planning, should pay more attention to demographic and social-cultural Factors.

Gh Shakerinejad, M Saki, F Jarvandi, S Haginajaf,
Volume 15, Issue 5 (1-2017)

Introduction: During the recent years, significant demographic changes have occurred in the world. One of the most important changes has been an unprecedented decline in fertility in all regions of the world. Parallel to these changes, the Islamic Republic of Iran has experienced extensive changes, So that during the last three decades, the fertility rate in Iran has fallen astonishingly. The aim of this study was to interpret the views of Khuzestani men and women with one child about childbearing. This study tries to answer the question concerned with factors influencing the tendency to childbearing in Khuzestan province. Methodology: Participants in the study included 35 male and female people aged from 45 to 15 years old. They were purposefully selected from health centers in East and West of Ahvaz in 1393-94. The obtained data were analyzed using Thematic Analysis. Results: Two main classes of factors that drive the couples to childbearing (ethnicity, parents' self-esteem, a sense of being productive) and the ones that prevent couples from childbearing (economic, parental occupation, parental responsibility and diseases) are presented. Conclusion: The results of this research show the experiences of couples about childbearing. Strengthening the factors that drive the couples to childbearing and also removing barriers to this phenomenon provide the basis for education and a way to step in line with the new policy to encourage population and couples in their childbearing.

Hossein Fallahzadeh, Zahra Jahanaraei, Mohsen Askarishahi, Mohammad Ha ,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (5-2017)

Introduction: Different statistical methods can be used to analyze fertility data. When the response variable is discrete, Poisson model is applied. If the condition does not hold for the Poisson model, its generalized model will be applied. The goal of this study was to compare the efficiency of generalized Poisson regression model with the standard Poisson regression model in estimating the coefficient of effective factors onthe current number of children.

Methods: This is a cross-sectional study carried out on a populationof married women within the age range of15-49 years in Kashan, Iran. The cluster sampling method was used for data collection. Clusters consisted ofthe urbanblocksdeterminedby the municipality.Atotal number of10clusters each containing30households was selected according to the health center's framework. The necessary data were then collected through a self-madequestionnaireanddirectinterviewswith women under study. Further, the data analysiswas performed by usingthe standard and generalizedPoisson regression models through theRsoftware.

Results: The average number of children for each woman was 1.45 with a variance of 1.073.A significant relationship was observed between the husband's age, number of unwanted pregnancies, and the average durationof breastfeeding with the present number of children in the two standard and generalized Poisson regression models (p < 0.05).The mean ageof women  participating in thisstudy was33.1± 7.57 years (from 25.53 years to 40.67), themean age of marriage was 20.09 ± 3.82 (from16.27 years to23.91), and themean age of their husbands was 37.9 ± 8.4years (from 29.5 years to 46.3). In the current study, the majority of women werein the age range of 30-35years old with the medianof 32years, however, most ofmen were in the age range of 35-40yearswith the median of37years. While 236of women did not have unwanted pregnancies, most participants of the present study had one unwanted pregnancy.

Conclusion: According to the achieved results, the generalized Poisson regression model is more suitable for data analysis and can estimate the coefficient of effective factors on the number of children more precisely.

Gholamali Nikpour, Mojdeh Zare Poor, Fatemeh Nikpour,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (5-2018)

Introduction: Children with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), show negative, hostile, and disobedient behavior patterns that lead to important family or educational problems. Most children, experience a period of mild negativity and disobedience, and often parents are tired of occasional argumnet with their children. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of play therapy on oppositional defiant disorder symptom in children.
Methods: This study is an interventional and quasi-experimental. In this study, the sample size was determined based on similar studies and Morgan table and 15 subjects were selected in the experimental group (7 girls and 8 boys) and 15 subjects in the control group (9 boys and 6 girls). Measurement tools include the Child Behavior Checklist CBCL, TRF Teacher Report Form and a clinical interview with parents.. Those children who scored higher score (equal to or higher than 4) ewre selected. Parents were invited to participate in a half-hour clinical interview by the researcher for the final diagnosis. They were interviewed based on the diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5 without children in order to match the questionnaire results with the interview..
Results: The results of the analysis showed that the symptom was significantly reduced by parents and teacher reports.. Therefore, play therapy with a cognitive-behavioral approach significantly reduced the rate of oppositional defiant disorder symptoms in boys and girls in post-test and follow-up stages.
Conclusion: These findings show the effectiveness of play therapy to reduce the oppositional defiant disorder symptoms in children ; therefore, the use of this treatment in these child is recommended to therapists .

Mehdi Barzegar Bafrooei, Elham Akoochakian, Mohamad Afkhami Aghda,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (7-2018)

Introduction: The purpose was to determine the effect of biological, cognitive and emotional characteristics of maturity to mothers on improving relations between parent - child adolescent girls with precocious puberty.
Methods: Quasi- experimental pre-test - post-test method is use with control group. The population is elementary school students with early puberty in Yazd town in 2014-15, who 32 students were randomly selected of population by cluster sampling of schools between adolescent girls andcompleted relationship parent - child Scale.Data were assesed with analysis of covariance.
Results:The results showed that teaching biological, cognitive and emotional characteristicssignificant impact on relationship parent – child. Also, The results showed that teaching biological, cognitive and emotional characteristics of maturity to the mothersa significant impact on increasing positive emotions, identification with mother and amount of Relationship of in the experimental groups and only the component of disorientation in relation to the role has no significant effect
Conclusions: training the biological, cognitive and emotional characteristics of maturity to mothers can improve parent - children relationships with precocious puberty in adolescent girls
Fatemeh Zare Mirok Abad, Abbas-Ali Dehghani-Tafti, Fahimeh Rashidy Meybo, Arefeh Dehghani-Tafti, Zohreh Rahaei,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (9-2018)

Introduction: Oral changes during pregnancy can lead to serious complications if left untreated. Pregnancy is a good time to educate women. Health Belief Model (HBM) is one of the best models for disease prevention. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of  developing and evaluating a a HBM-based educational program on oral hygiene behaviors among child-wanting women in Mehriz, Yazd
Methods: In this experimental study, 164 child-wanting women referring to health care centers were selected by convenience random sampling. Data collection instrument was a valid and reliable questionnaire based on the HBM constructs. Two months after presenting the educational program developed based on pre-test data to the intervention group, the data were collected and analyzed by inferential and descriptive statistics.
Results: Participants attained 55.61% of maximum possible score. Dental plaque index was 15.41 ± 3.20. The HBM constructs predicted 12.4% of behavioral variance. After the educational intervention, all HBM constructs, except for perceived barriers, significantly increased. The dental plaque index decreased to 13.98 ± 3.45 after intervention.
Conclusion: Women’s dental plaque index and their oral health behaviors were not optimal but improved after the implementation of the educational program. The use of this model is recommended for the promotion of oral hygiene in women.
Mohammad Golshan Tafti, Najmeh Abdollahi, Ahmad Shajari, Vajiheh Modaresi,
Volume 17, Issue 6 (3-2019)

Introduction: Asthma is the most common chronic airway disease in children, which is caused by genetic and environmental factors such as obesity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between obesity and asthma severity in children.
Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study included 200 asthmatic children aged 6 to 12 years in Yazd Shohadaye Kargar hospital in 2015 - 2016. The participants' demographic data were recorded. According to the Australian National Asthma Campaign, they were categorized into mild, moderate, and severe groups considering their severity of asthma. In order to compare the studied variables t, chi-square, and Mann-Whitney tests were used by SPSS 18.
Results: The results showed that 11 (27.5%) obese children had severe asthma, but only 7 children (4.4%) with normal BMI had severe asthma (P <0.001). It was also found that the mean BMI in children with severe asthma was 21.68, in children with moderate asthma was 19.73, and in children with mild asthma was 18.27 (P <0.001). Other variables including age, birth weight, maternal age, socioeconomic status, and educational level did not have any significant effect on the severity of asthma (P> 0.05).
Conclusion: Our study showed that the prevalence of severe asthma was high in obese children and this relationship was stronger in boys. Therefore, obese children have a higher risk for severe asthma. To reduce obesity in children,  treatments such as regimen are required.
Mohamad Shayeg, Kazem Barzegar Bafrooei, Mehdi Rahimi,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (4-2021)

Introduction: The children's vulnerability to unpleasant life issues depends on their existing social abilities and skills. Social skills are defined as the skills needed to adapt to social needs and social adjustment. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of family factors in aggression of preschool children in terms of social skills as a mediator.
Method: This research was descriptive (correlation). The statistical population of the study included all preschool students in Yazd in the academic year of 2018. Participants included 350 students selected based on Cochran formula and compilation sampling. Eliot's stress management scale, Marlow's and Crown's social acceptance scale, Nef's self-compassionate scale, Trascat's children social skills scale, and Vahedy children aggression scale were used to measure the research variables. Data were analyzed by SPSS 21 and AMOS 20 using path analysis.
Results: The path analysis method indicated a good fit of the model and showed that among the family factors, parents' stress had a positive direct effect and social acceptance had a negative direct effect on aggression.
Conclusion: Family factors, with the intervening role of social sciences has a significant effect on aggression in preschool children  .

Hassan Zareei, Fatemeh Zarei,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (9-2021)

Introduction: Among the threats that change the family structure are Introduction & Objective: Among the threats that change the family center;
مقدمه و هدف: از جمله تهدیداتی که کانون خانواده را تغییر می دهد.
Introduction: the threat that puts the family changed;
زمینه: یکی از تهدیدهایی که باعث تغییر خانواده می شود.
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early marriage and the phenomenon of child marriage. Early marriage and the phenomenon of child marriage.
ازدواج زودرس و پدیده ازدواج کودک.
The phenomenon of early marriage and child couples.
پدیده ازدواج زودرس و زوجین کودک.
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The World Health Organization considers early marriage as the marriage under the age of eighteen. The World Health Organization considers early marriage to be an early marriage.
سازمان بهداشت جهانی ازدواج زودرس را ازدواج زودرس می داند.
World Health Organization considers marriage below 18 years of early marriage.
سازمان بهداشت جهانی ازدواج را زیر 18 سال ازدواج زودرس می داند.
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Due to the importance of this issue, this study aimed to examine the causes and consequences of early marriage and the occurrence of child marriage in female students of Yazd province.
Method: This qualitative study was conducted based on the grounded theory. The research environment included all divorced female high school students in the academic year of 209-2010 in Yazd province. Of the participants and based on theoretical, targeted, and snowball sampling, in-depth semi-structural interviews were conducted on them and until the theoretical saturation was reached, 11 people were finally selected.
Result: The data were analyzed using Strauss and Corbin method with three steps of open, axial, and selective coding. Finally, from open coding 550 initial concepts, from axial coding 27 categories, and finally 8 main categories were extracted. The main categories included lack of communication, irresponsibility, lack of marital intimacy, lack of socio-moral maturity, psychological turmoil, risks and consequences of divorce, academic challenges and interpersonal problems.
Conclusion: The results showed that early marriage has many disadvantages, including divorce. Communication problems were at the top of students' problems at the time of marriage. This lack of communication leads to problems, such as marital intimacy, interference of others, educational problems, and sometimes infidelity.

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