Volume 23, Issue 5 (12-2024)                   TB 2024, 23(5): 81-96 | Back to browse issues page

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Zaddahesh B, Poyamanesh J, Amiri Majd M. Predicting Attitudes towards Extramarital Relationship Based on Sexual Satisfaction and Performance in Individuals with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. TB 2024; 23 (5) :81-96
URL: http://tbj.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-3682-en.html
Abstract:   (194 Views)
Introduction: Extramarital relationships pose a challenge to family life and can negatively affect the mental health and well-being of family members. Various factors can contribute to the development of extramarital relationships. The present study aimed to predict attitudes towards extramarital relationships based on sexual satisfaction and performance in individuals with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Methods: This study was correlational in nature. The study population included all married individuals seeking counseling and psychological services in Qazvin city in 2023, from which 216 individuals were selected by purposive sampling method. The World Health Organization ADHD self-report scale, Yeniceri and Kokdemir Extramarital Relationship Questionnaire, Larson Sexual Satisfaction Questionnaire, and the Farajina Sexual Performance Questionnaire were used for data collection. Data analysis was performed using SPSS-25 software and multiple regression analysis. All inferential analyses were conducted at a significance level of 0/05.
Rusults: The results indicated that sexual satisfaction (β = 0/19, t = 2/85) and sexual performance (β = 0/15, t = 2/26) could predict the variance of changes related to attitudes towards extramarital relationships.
Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, it is recommended to provide couples with this awareness during premarital counseling so that they can discuss sexual issues with marriage counselors and specialists and receive specialized counseling if needed to prevent the tendency towards extramarital relationships.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Psychology
Received: 2024/08/22 | Accepted: 2024/10/27 | Published: 2024/12/30

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