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The Effectiveness of Spiritual Group Therapy on Psychological Well-Being and Self-Efficacy of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Tehran in 2023
Farideh Maleki Avarsin (Ph.D.)1, Alireza Pirkhaefi (Ph.D.)2, Maryam Kalhornia Golkar (Ph.D.)3
1.Department of Health Psychology, UAE Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
2.Corresponding Author: Associate Professor, Department of Clinical psychology, Garmsar branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran. Phone: 09123779022, Email: Apirkhaefi@gmail.com
3.Assistant Professor, Department of psychology, Karaj branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
Introduction: Diabetes, as one of the common causes of mortality worldwide, extends beyond physical aspects and can impact psychological and emotional dimensions as well. Therefore, the present research aimed to determine the effectiveness of spiritual therapy on the psychological well-being and self-efficacy of patients with type 2 diabetes in Tehran.
Methods: This study was a semi-experimental research with a pretest-posttest and a three-month follow-up design with a control group. The study population consisted of all the patients with type 2 diabetes who attended treatment centers in Tehran (Masih Daneshvari, Nikan, and the Iranian Diabetes Association) from August to November 2023. Among the patients, 37 were selected using purposive sampling and were randomly assigned to two groups: the experimental group (N=18) and the control group (N=19). The data collection tools included a demographic information form, the standardized Ryff's scale of psychological well-being– short form (Cronbach's alpha= 0/72), and the General Self-Efficacy Scale (Cronbach's alpha= 0/83). Data analysis was conducted using SPSS-21 software. Additionally, given the different stages of measurement (pre-test, post-test, and follow-up), repeated measures ANOVA was used for data analysis.
Results: The results indicated that spiritual therapy led to an increase in psychological well-being (F=132/56, P<0/001) and self-efficacy (F=15/51, P<0/001) in patients with type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, the effect size of spiritual therapy on psychological well-being was 79%, and self-efficacy was 31%, and the sustainability of its effects was observed up to three months after treatment.
Conclusion: The findings suggest the impact of spiritual therapy on enhancing psychological well-being and self-efficacy in patients with type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is recommended that, in addition to the routine treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes, spiritual therapy be utilized to enhance the psychological well-being of the patients.
Keywords: Psychological well-being, Self-efficacy, Spirituality, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
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