Volume 23, Issue 4 (10-2024)                   TB 2024, 23(4): 102-116 | Back to browse issues page

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Younesi F, Sharifi Daramadi P, Hoseini M. Investigating the Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Marital Commitment and Quality of Life in Women Following Satellite Series. TB 2024; 23 (4) :102-116
URL: http://tbj.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-3642-en.html
Allameh Tabataba'i University , dr_sharifidaramadi@yahoo.com
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Investigating the Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Marital Commitment and Quality of Life in Women Following Satellite Series
Fatemeh Younesi(M.A)1, Parviz Sharifi Daramadi(Ph.D.)2, Seyede Masoomeh Hoseini(M.A)3
1.Master of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Tehran West Branch, Tehran, Iran
2.Corresponding Author: Professor of Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
Email:dr_sharifidaramadi@yahoo.com       Tel: 09122055699
3.Master of General Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Imam Khomeini International University (RA), Qazvin, Iran

Introduction: Given the negative effects of satellite series on marital commitment, and the quality of life of women, and the destabilization of family systems, the present study aimed to examine the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy on marital commitment and quality of life in women who follow satellite series in Tehran
Methods: This study was designed as a quasi-experimental intervention with a pre-test and post-test approach. The statistical population consisted of women who were viewers of satellite series and members of an active institute in marriage and psychological services for couples in East Tehran. Using convenience sampling method, the first individual was selected randomly, and then through snowball sampling, 120 individuals were introduced. After screening and selecting eligible individuals, the sample size was reduced to 30, and the participants were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups (15 in each group). The women in the experimental group participated in virtual cognitive-behavioral therapy sessions. Data collection tools included two standardized questionnaires: the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire and the Adams and Jones Marital Commitment Questionnaire which were distributed and completed in both groups before and after the intervention. For data analysis, descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, Shapiro-Wilk test, skewness, and kurtosis were used, and for inferential statistics to examine the significance of the intervention's effectiveness, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was employed. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 26.
Results: The results indicated a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in both pre-test and post-test (p<0/05). The scores of the experimental group after the intervention showed a significant increase in the post-test analysis of covariance for the variables of physical health, psychological health, social relationships, social environment, overall quality of life, personal commitment, moral commitment, structural commitment, and overall marital commitment, compared to the pre-test (p<0/05). At the same time, the control group did not show a significant difference (p>0/05).
Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that cognitive-behavioral therapy has a positive impact on quality of life and marital commitment. This type of therapy can be utilized as an effective strategy to improve marital commitment and quality of life for women who watch satellite series.
Keywords: Marital Commitment, Quality of Life, Satellite Series, Women, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Psychology
Received: 2024/06/26 | Accepted: 2024/09/18 | Published: 2024/11/18

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