Volume 22, Issue 3 (9-2023)                   TB 2023, 22(3): 50-60 | Back to browse issues page

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Jokar M, Massoumi A, Jokar M, Haghaninejad H, Akaberi A, Ardian N. Investigating the Impact of Using Computer Games on Aggression in Adolescents. TB 2023; 22 (3) :50-60
URL: http://tbj.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-3462-en.html
Social Determinants of health research center, Department of health education and promotion, School of public health, Shahid sadoughi university of medical sciences, Yazd, Iran. , n_ardian1382@hotmail.com
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Investigating the Impact of Using Computer Games on Aggression in Adolescents
Mojtaba Jokar( Ph.D.)1, Ahmad Massoumi(Ph.D.)2,  Mansoureh Jokar(M.D)3,  Hassan Haghaninejad (Ph.D.)4, Arefe Akaberi(M.D)5, Nahid Ardian(Ph.D.)6

1.Cardiologist, Department of cardiology,Yazd Cardivascular Research Center, Faculty of medicine,Shahid sadoughi university of medical sciences, Yazd, Iran. Social Determinants of health research center, Department of health education and promotion, School of public health, Shahid sadoughi university of medical sciences, Yazd, Iran.
2. Associate Professor, Department of psychiatry, Faculty of medicine, Qom medical sciences, Islamic azad university, Qom, Iran.
3. General Medicine, Department of psychiatry, Faculty of medicine, Kerman university of medical sciences, Kerman, Iran.
4.Associate Professor, Department of cardiology,Yazd Cardivascular Research Center, Faculty of medicine, Shahid sadoughi university of medical sciences, Yazd, Iran.
5.General Medicine, Faculty of medicine, Shahid sadoughi university of medical sciences, Yazd, Iran.
6.Corresponding Author: Assistant Professor, Social Determinants of health research center, Department of health education and promotion, School of public health, Shahid sadoughi university of medical sciences, Yazd, Iran.      Tel:09132506563 Email: n_ardian1382@hotmail.com

Introduction: One of the factors affecting adolescent aggression is the use of violent computer games. Computer games as a social phenomenon, along with other audio and video media in today's world, are the main audiences of children and adolescents because of their stunning growth and attraction, but the question is whether computer games, especially the type Their violent and combat effects have harmful effects on children and adolescents or have been magnified. Therefore, this study was aimed at determining the impact of using computer games on aggression in adolescents.
Methods: In this descriptive study, the first high school male students were selected by 100 people by random clustered. The method of gathering field information and the data collection tool was the aggressive and fairy questionnaire. The confidence level of these tests was 95%. The analysis was performed by the 23 SPSS statistical software.
Results: The average age of students was 0/82 and 13/82 years old and most interest in fighting and violent games. The results showed that there was a significant difference between aggression and students' grade point average (p=0/013), the Anova statistical test found that the relationship between the aggression questionnaire score and the type of games and the birth rate of the meaning is significant. The highest frequency of games was reported in rough fighting games with 45 abundance and the lowest in the creative computer game with 15 abundance.
Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that the most popular game as well as the highest rate of adolescent aggression in relation to combat games and the lowest aggression in the creative intellectual game group. Students and adolescents with average academic status had the most aggressive impact on computer games.
Keywords: aggression, teens, computer games

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2022/10/9 | Accepted: 2023/03/5 | Published: 2023/09/1

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