Volume 19, Issue 2 (6-2020)                   TB 2020, 19(2): 1-15 | Back to browse issues page

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Mazloomymahmoodabad S S, Dashti S, Salehi A, Falahzadeh H, Solatani M H. Compliance the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Among the People with Pre-hypertension. TB 2020; 19 (2) :1-15
URL: http://tbj.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-2788-en.html
, saeeddashty88@yahoo.com
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Compliance the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Among the People with Pre-hypertension
Seyed Saeed Mazloomy MahmoodAbad (Ph.D.) 1, Saeid Dashti (Ph.D. S) 2, Amin Salehi-Abargouei (Ph.D.) 3, Hossein Fallahzadeh (Ph.D.) 4, Mohammad Hossein Soltani (Ph.D.)5
 1. Professor, Research Center of Social Department , School of Public Health, Shahid  Sadoughi University of Medical Science, Yazd, Iran.
2.Corresponding Author: Ph.D.  Student of Health Education and Promotion, School of public Health, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran. Email: saeeddashty88@yahoo.com Tel: 09151067166
3. Associate Professor, Nutrition and Food Science Research Center, School of Public Health, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran.
4. Professor, Research Center of Prevention and Epidemiology of Non-Communicable Disease, School of Public Health, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran.
5. Associate Professor, Cardiovascular Research Center, School of Medical Sciences, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran.
Introduction:pre-hypertension is a common worldwide disease in 30-50% of the studied population. Diet compliance among pre-hypertensions is one of the most important changes in lifestyle. This study aims to determine compliance dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) among pre-hypertensions.
Methods:This cross-sectional study in 2017, using a cluster sampling method, 165 pre-hypertensive patients referred to health centers of Ferdows were surveyed. The data gathering tool was a three-day food inventory questionnaire. Information about the nutrition program was obtained using N4 software and data was analyzed using SPSS software version 19 and descriptive and analytic tests.
 The diet was measured by using a three-day dietary questionnaire. In order to analyze the data the consumed food substances were converted into gram scale and then the N4 software rendered the data on diet. The obtained data were analyzed in SPSS using chi-square and covariance.
Results: The average Dash diet compliance was 24.21 ± 4.4. The mean and standard deviation of systolic and diastolic blood pressure were Respectively 133 ± 9.8, 82 ± 11. Compliance with the diet was accompanied by an increase in the consumption of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, whole grains, beans, Nuts and reduced sodium intake Sweet drinks, and red meat and processed. There was a significant difference between the components of the diet plan and the score of the diet plan.
Conclusion: Considering the importance of following a diet plan to prevent high blood pressure and its moderate follow-up among pre-hypertensive individuals, it is suggested that theoretically-focused interventions be designed to increase compliance with the diet.
Keywords: Pre-hypertension, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), Diet
Conflict of interest: The authors declared that there is no conflict of interest.


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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/02/25 | Accepted: 2020/01/4 | Published: 2020/06/30

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