Volume 14, Issue 5 (1-2016)                   TB 2016, 14(5): 15-28 | Back to browse issues page

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Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical sciences
Abstract:   (4750 Views)


Introduction: Considering the important role of industry in polluting the environment, the present study aimed to evaluate the performance of chemical coagulation together with advanced oxidation (peroxone) regarding dye wastewater treatment of appliance factories.

Methods: This study was experimental, which it’s pilot-scale was conducted on the wastewater of the painting appliance Factory. The sample was selected via the combined sampling procedure. The processes used in the present study consisted of chemical coagulation and advanced oxidation (peroxone) processes and 250 samples were analyzed. MgCl2, PAC and FeCl3, Bentonite, Cationic Polymer were used for chemical coagulation. The used equipments consisted of Spectrophotometer DR 2000, Jar taste and a ozonation reactor. COD and dye of samples were measured according to standard method.

Results: The results revealed that each of the coagulants in its optimal pH were able to arrange the magnesium chloride 86.85%, poly aluminum chloride 88.47% and ferric chloride 85.41% in removal of COD. Poly aluminum chloride achieved the highest dye removal 90.92%. Furthermore, the highest COD removal efficiency was related to the combination of magnesium chloride (1.4 mg/l), poly aluminum chloride (0.6 mg/l) and cationic polymers (0.4 mg/l) with an efficiency of 89.11%, which managed to remove the dye up to 93.38%. COD removal efficiency reached to 99.67% using advanced oxidation process by peroxone method on pretreated wastewater (with chemical coagulation).

Conclusions: For better performance of peroxone treatment, the wastewater should be pretreated for removal of dissolved solids. As a result, due to its suspension status of using peroxone method together chemical coagulation has a high capability to remove COD and dye from appliance Factore ,s wastewater.

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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2013/10/23 | Accepted: 2014/01/13 | Published: 2016/01/18

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